Our aim

Protection of ecosystems and the organisms within them is essential for a sustainable way of life.
In order to achieve this, it is necessary to be conscious of our influence on the natural world and its consequences, as this plays an extremely important role in designing and implementing good conservation. Since conservation by definition is a tale of (minimising) loss, it is easy to lose sight of the difference we are making.

We therefore have to make sure that we not only effectively communicate points of improvement, but also the effects of our current efforts.

To do this, Save That Ass initiates (small) playful projects to raise money for, and improve awareness of, nature conservation projects and related charity organisations. These projects are currently entail retail sales of informative and humorous field guides.

Save That Ass explicitly has no profit motive and has no funds available.

Who are we?

We are an enthusiastic group consisting of three biologists - two MSc's and one PhD student - connected to Leiden University, who feel one of the most fun ways to raise money for good causes is by professionally carrying out ludicrous but creative projects.

In order to reach this goal, we created Save That Ass: a foundation dedicated to increasing awareness and means for nature conservation causes.

For more information on the foundation, download our jaarverslag 2024 (in Dutch).


Save That Ass Foundation
Ravenhorst 13
2317AE Leiden
+31 614607258
KVK: 83451382
IBAN: NL28 TRIO 0320 6562 17